Kindness Boxes
Would Your Business Like One?
Horse Warriors™ “Kindness Boxes,” are part of our community support program that is part of our ongoing “Kindness Project.” The program starts on December 15, 2024 and runs through the end of February, 2025.
Box “adoption” is designed to engage the public in sharing thoughts of kindness by selecting and monitoring each box’s location. Boxes are designed and painted by students, staff and volunteers in the Horse Warriors™ programs, as well as by other community members.
Box painters/adopters choose a location for their boxes - schools, libraries, churches, businesses – and keep those locations supplied with slips of paper for people to write their random messages of kindness on before placing them in the box. Adopters can create their own box in our painting studio, or they can choose one of our boxes that has already been painted. Box artists may keep their boxes at the end of the project.
“Make-One-Take-One” is the way the boxes work – people can take a slip with a kindness message from any of the boxes, and leave an original message in the box as an exchange.
Perfect for all ages – some of the most precious messages have come from angels under the age of 6!
To request a box for your location, or to adopt or paint one:
please call us at 307-690-6124
or email us at